Galleries and Tutorials
Galleries visited: Life in Colour Ranbir Kuar, Sunderland Museum and Winter Gardens, 10th November Continuous Topography Dan Holdsworth,...

Joseph Beuys
Joseph Beuys I Like America and America Likes Me 1974 With a title full of irony, one of Beuys' most recognisable performance works is a...

Arte Povera
Giuseppe Penone Tree of Twelve Metres 1980-82 Emerging late 1960s to 1970s Arte Povera, translating to 'poor art,' was a movement...

Patricia Piccinini
Patricia Piccinini The Young Family (2002) Working across a variety of mediums, Piccinini's more well known works would be her...

Lucy Kimbell
Lucy Kimbell Rat Fair/ One Night with Rats in the Service of Art a drawing created by a rat using tracking software (2005) Kimbell...

Donna Haraway
Warren Miller, The New Yorker Collection, 1993, used In Donna Haraway's When Species Meet, 2008 Writer Donna Haraway describes herself as...

Sue Coe
Sue Coe Modern Man Followed by the Ghosts of His Meat (1995) Sue Coe is both activist and artist, making emotive drawings about animal...
John Berger: Why Look at Animals?
A Zoo is a place where as many species and varieties as possible are collected in order that they can be seen, observed, studied. In...

Ai Weiwei: Circle of Animals
Figure 1. Circle of Animals/ Zodiac Heads Ai Weiwei (2011) In 2011 Ai Weiwei recreated his vision of the zodiac heads that in the 1800's...

Alexis Rockman
Figure 1. Alexis Rockman Cascade (2015) Figure 2. Close up of Cascade Rockman paints large scale, detailed paintings both beautiful and...

Art 380 Post One: Mark Dion
Figure 1. Mark Dion and William Schefferine Wheelbarrows of Progress: Survival of the Cutest (1990) Mark Dion creates mixed media...