Statement of Intent
This year, I have decided to develop my interest in nature, natural forms and the relationships between animals, humans and the natural world as a topic for my art work. My goal is to experiment with different ways in which to represent these ideas visually. I am particularly interested in the use of colour and tone in my work, and trying mixed media forms to experiment with textures.
I plan to use materials and methods such as paint, printmaking, tonal drawing and collage this year, some of which are skills and materials I plan to develop my use of from my work last year and some are relatively new areas for me to try out such as collage work. I plan to measure my success by reflecting on my progress regularly and on how much experimentation and variety I use. As the topic I have chosen is quite open, I plan to set frequent goals for myself of particular things I wish to try or develop further, such as working with a new skill or trying a certain material.
One artist I have found recently that links well to my ideas and that I like the painting style of is Josh Keyes. His context of his works and realism style are two features that really interest me.

Phantom, 2016.